Tuesday, May 3, 2016

One Year Married!

Yesterday was my anniversary of one year married to my amazing earthly husband.

This won't be a long post, I mostly just wanted to document a few things for future references.

It's been a wonderful year. A hard year, a year full of learning and growing. It's been the best year of my life.

I could talk again about how I never truly believed I would ever be married much less celebrating one year of marriage! God has been faithful and I can't express enough how incredible it is to do things the way God designs it. I think of all the women searching for a committed relationship and ending up in unhealthy relationships that don't last. It makes me sad but also full of passion to try to show them that doing things God's way is not burdensome, it is the best way, the only way of experiencing a life of abundance and true love. This does not come from Alex and I "trying harder" or "thinking positively," it comes from God Himself transforming our hearts and pouring His love into us so that we have the capacity to pour out love onto each other as well as those around us.

So much has happened and we are not who we were one year ago.

Alex is not the man I married one year ago. By God's amazing grace, he has been transformed more into the likeness of Christ Himself and it's a beautiful thing.

I praise God for His design. I praise Him for filling me with love for my husband that continues to grow deeper everyday.

I didn't think I could love Alex any more than I did on our wedding day, I thought I knew him very well on our wedding day. The funny thing is, we didn't really know each other all that well and though we chose each other and we loved each other, our love, knowledge and understanding of one another has grown so deeply. We have become best friends as well as lovers. I never knew it could be this wonderful. All due to the amazing grace and power of our Almighty God.

As time continues to go on, I know our love and knowledge of each other will continue to grow and I'm excited to see all that God has in store for us.

God is amazing and His way truly is the best.

-Mrs. Alex Kuhl

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The danger of "YOLO"

It has been almost a year since I got married. It's hard to believe yet I know we are still newlyweds.
There have been many ups and downs and many challenges I was surprised to deal with.
A big one has been the reality of the baggage from my past.
Though God has done an amazing work in forgiving and healing me, there is still a lot more to do.
The main purpose for this post is that I really want to share the reality of sexual sin. I know I've written about it before and for many people it's a very taboo subject but I think it's too important not to expose the devastating affects of this sin in the fiber of a person. I know many of you may be reading this and thinking, "Pfft, what does she know? I'm fine, I can handle a lifestyle like this. It's not affecting me at all." And to that I say, you are deceived and you don't even realize it.

1 Corinthians 6:12-20 says, "Everything is permissible for me"- but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me" - but I will not be mastered by anything. "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food" - but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. By His power God raised the Lord from the dead, and He will raise us also. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ Himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh." But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Honoring God with our body is something that doesn't seem to be very common in our culture, inside the church as well as outside of it. If you don't belong to God, you probably dismiss this passage completely like you would the rest of Scripture. And though this is written to believers, (in Corinth it was especially important because the temple of the love goddess Aphrodite was there. This temple employed more than a thousand prostitutes as priestesses, and sex was a part of the worship ritual. Paul clearly states that Christian are to have no part in sexual immorality, even if it is acceptable and popular in our culture.) This doesn't sound too far from what our current culture is like.
So although it was written to believers there is still a deep wound that sexual immorality leaves even in non Christians because sex was never meant to be just a careless act. It was meant to be within the protection of a true commitment, that true commitment being marriage.
This is something that I rolled my eyes at. I thought it was an outdated "rule" and I figured I could handle doing whatever I wanted and not be affected at all. I was deceived.

The notes in my NIV Bible spoke a lot of clarity and truth on the subject of sex outside of marriage:

Christians are free to be all they can be for God, but they are not free from God. God created sex to be a beautiful and essential ingredient of marriage, but sexual sin - sex outside of the marriage relationship - always hurts someone. It hurts God because it shows that we prefer following our own desires instead of the leading of the Holy Spirit. It hurts others because it violates the commitment so necessary to a relationship. It often brings disease to our bodies. And it deeply affects our personalities, which respond in anguish when we harm ourselves physically and spiritually.

The part that hit be deepest in this paragraph is "it deeply affects our personalities, which respond in anguish when we harm ourselves physically and spiritually."  The choices I made to indulge in sex outside of marriage continues to have impact on my personality. There are times I struggle with self hatred, rejection, loneliness, fear, unworthiness, and the list goes on. God has done tremendous work in these areas but there is a lot more work to be done. 
Being married to the man God brought me is wonderful and amazing and God has used my husband to bring healing to so much of my brokenness. But he can't fix everything because he can't see everything the way God sees it. God knows the deep, deep scars that still remain due to my past choices. He knows what triggers memories and thoughts of self hatred more than I know what triggers those thoughts. At times I can't seem to find a way to stop those thoughts and can quickly get swept away into a pit of self pity and despair which can last from one day to a month.

This is the baggage I didn't realize I still carried. This is the personality change that has occurred in me due to my choices in the past. Or perhaps better said, these are the challenges that come up due to my past.

However, my personality has changed. When I was younger I was carefree and can remember feeling very passionate about not wanting to give up my virginity before I got married. (My whole testimony is a different and more detailed post read it here). But after I made the choice not to wait a lot about who I was changed. I didn't understand how to receive appropriate affection from men because most of the affection I did receive was usually sexual. So I started pulling away from my family, especially my Dad. I no longer felt comfortable around him, not because of him, but because of how I allowed myself to be treated by boys. I started comparing myself more and more with other girls and celebrities in movies, etc. I wanted guys to want me so if I didn't look like what I saw on T.V. I desperately did whatever I could to try to be as attractive as possible. This never seemed to work so the self hating thoughts would come and rejection would set it and push me into a downward spiral of depression. Yes indeed, my personality changed.

Now, years later, after the work that God has done, I still battle. The war isn't over in my mind and satan knows where to attack.

The lie I think people believe is that once you find someone who loves you and is committed to you, you won't have feelings of rejection anymore. That is not true. I love my husband very much, I'm beyond blessed to have him in my life and as I said earlier, God has used him in very very powerful ways to help me in this healing journey. But there are things he simply cannot fix, he is not my savior. Jesus Christ is my Savior and only through His affirmation, love, and healing can I have victory in this war. My husband is a weapon in it, but he alone can't proclaim victory for me.

If you are still reading and you don't care about God and think I'm crazy and that none of it applies to you, I still challenge that.

Even if you aren't a believer but you've indulged in sexual immorality, it has changed you. As my sister would say "how does your heart feel?" You've been with guy after guy, or maybe just one or two men, either way, how would say your heart has felt after they left you, after they rejected you and kicked you to the curb? You were hurt, broken, and found yourself feeling so bitter that you just wanted to "screw over every guy to get back and them" so you decided to spend your life going to bars, hooking up, and convincing yourself you won't get emotionally attached and had the attitude of "who cares, I only have one life to live ("YOLO" which is foolishness), so let's party and forget about the consequences." Maybe you're living that way right now.

Whatever place you're in, this is a warning

You will be changed. You will be broken. You will find it hard to commit, love and accept love. Stop the behavior now. Do whatever it takes. Find new friends, move out of his/her house...if a person doesn't love you enough to prove their commitment by marriage, they don't love you. This may sound harsh and you're thinking "you don't know my boyfriend/girlfriend, they do love me and they are committed!" Are YOU committed? Do you value yourself enough to not allow someone to use you?

Listen, you are probably thinking that I sound like a completely crazy, old fashioned, religious nut. But my heart in writing this, GOD'S heart for YOU, is that you experience all that sexual intimacy can be but the only way to do that is within marriage. I am telling you that the longer you keep living that lifestyle, the more baggage you will be carrying into a marriage if you ever get that far. You will be affected, deeply affected. Do you want to be different? Stand up against sex before marriage, don't go with the crowd. So many teenagers these days (I also used to think this way) want to be different than everyone else, they want to seem cooler, or more hip, or more edgy. You know the BEST way to do that, is to turn away from what everyone else does. Choose to wait. It's not too late even if you've already gone too far, you can choose from this moment on, to live a life of abstinence. This means not only refraining from intercourse with someone, it also means any other sexual acts as well as pornography or fantasizing. I am choosing to be blunt in saying these things because all too often people talk about purity meaning just keeping away from pre-marital sex but it is so much deeper than that.

I love you, GOD loves you too much to not warn you of the impending danger of sexual immorality.

May our innocence be restored....


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Not mine

I need to find my voice.
It seems so lost, so hidden.
The love of my Father all around
Yet I feel so trapped.
Trying to sing, suffocating again. 
My head is spinning, my body is weak.
The tears I've cried
The times I've pleaded. 
Take this from me O God.
Not me, use someone else. 
There must be another way.

And then, I remember - 

You were all alone with the love of Your Father
And still, You had to drink that cup.
Blood from Your beautiful brow
Dripped past Your eyes towards Your mouth
Crying out, please take this from Me
There must be another way. 

Songs in my head, but fear in my heart
With You I can push through.
Do this for me, it's impossible alone.
Your love all around me
Lifting me up and now this I know
There is no other way.
I must drink this cup I've been given

Obedience hurts 
But so did Your Sacrifice
There's no turning back from this, O no
Surrendering all
So here I am, Your will be done 
So here I am, Your will be done.
Your will not mine. 
Your will not mine. 


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Silent Songs

God tells me I need to sing. I don't know why. I don't know how. I don't want to.

I am sharing this because it has been a very difficult journey that has only begun. I share this because maybe someone can relate. 

Maybe you have a song in your soul but no one has ever asked. Maybe you sang in your home but felt rejected when your family ignored you or didn't want to listen. Maybe you feel locked inside yourself, wanting to burst out with emotions buried deep down but have lost the courage to just let go. 

I have realized that this is my life. I have always enjoyed writing. Growing up I often wrote through the depression, loneliness, heartache, and rejection I experienced. But no one really noticed, no one seemed to care about what I wrote. It was emotional, sad, and caused most people to fear for my life and simply say things like "I'm sorry you feel this way, I am praying for you." 
Is it possible that though the songs and poems were filled with sorrow, there was also a songwriter trying to break out of her shell? Is it possible that because no encouraged her and only felt sorry for her that she has grown to believe she would never be good enough to make music or be set free from the shell she is in? 
Of course I'm not trying to blame anyone else for the person that I am today, but I have learned that the past does shape you into the person you become. I also believe that God has a purpose for all of this and the very place I am weakest in, is the place He wants to use to show others His glory. 
So, I must learn to let go of my upbringing and not allow that to shape my future anymore. 

I will admit that I get frustrated and sad when I see other people freely worship God on stage with ease and sing any song that is put in front of them. They all make it look so easy and in some cases seem almost prideful about it, but maybe that's my own insecurity rising up. Forgive me. 

Deep in my soul I desperately want to be set free from my insecurities. I want to be set free from the fear of what others think of me. I want to be set free from my own pride of wanting to be good at everything.

And yet. 

Here I sit, still feeling trapped. Trapped with so much music inside that I truly believe God wants to use for some unknown reason. 

I plead with Him to call someone else. "There are so many people that are already good at this, just use them. They will do it in a heartbeat. They don't have to try, they don't fear, they're already ready to sing and write songs to You and for You. Just use them instead." 
But He keeps persisting and I don't really understand why. Sometimes I even wonder if I have heard Him right, maybe I'm just making all this stuff up. But I wouldn't want to do this all on my own, in fact, I don't want to do this at all. Which is probably the very reason I am called to it. 
I often feel like Gideon, throwing out fleeces to be sure I heard God correctly. 
It's a wonderful thing that God is so gentle and forgiving. 

This is all a process, I know. My husband tells me that God isn't going to force me to do something before I'm ready, that God will prepare me and when I'm ready He will make that clear to me. I think that's true and yet I still find myself wondering if I'm just being a drama queen and just need to get over it. That may also be true and some people will tell me such things, or at least think such things about me. But again, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. This is a journey I am on with God and God alone. 

At times I do wish that I was encouraged more as a child, I wish my parents saw some kind of potential within me and gave me the resources to learn more so I could grow in this area. But again, it doesn't matter now and it's not their fault.

This is the life God has given me and the only thing I can do is keep walking step by step, one day at a time. He gives me my daily bread for today, not for tomorrow or next week but for today

This is a new year and I know God is up to many things.
So with excitement but mostly feeling afraid of whatever painful process He needs to bring me through, I will follow Him. 

I will follow Him unto the death of everything inside of me that is holding me back no matter how painful it will be. 
Even unto death. 

"Lover of my soul, even unto death with my every breath I will love You. Yeah, Lover of my soul, even unto death with my every breath I will love You. In my darkest hour, in humiliation, I will wait for You. I am not forsaken. Oh, I lose my life. Oh, my breath be taken. I will wait for You, I am not forsaken. One thing I desire, to see You in Your beauty.."

Brit Kuhl