Friday, September 16, 2011

A Matter of Losing

I never really knew what the process of death really meant. It hadn't truly crossed my mind that I would watch a loved one pass so slowly yet quickly. It's one of the most disturbing things I have ever experienced. It makes me angry that the Lord hasn't taken her yet and sad to see her breathe so slowly.

"Are her eyes still open?" I asked....
"No, she closed it's not so creepy." replies my mom.
My eyes fill with tears, I sigh and shrug my shoulders apologetically, feeling guilty for thinking she looked such a way.
"I know Brit....Lord please just take her's our desire." Mom prays.

She just doesn't look the same, it's as if she is just a shell with a beating heart. I know she will see glory soon but soon isn't soon enough. She deserves to be dancing in a field filled with flowers and singing on the streets of gold. (Or at least sweeping them because I know she would enjoy that.)

My own body feels weak and just simply scared...
So many emotions running through my brain, I don't know where to begin...