To sum it all up, God knows what I need more than I know myself. His timing is exactly right and that's never been more clear.
I am so thankful that I am a child of God. Looking back at my life and how I tried to live my life without Him, it's hard to imagine why I tried so hard. I am not a strong person at all and so, in my weakness God's strength and His strength Alone rescued me. He has shown me so much more love and mercy than anyone else has ever even tried to show me. He is so wonderful and makes me exceedingly joyful!
Because of all that He has done for me, I want to encourage you to continue seeking Him. I know it can be hard and sometimes it seems like He's forgotten you. I assure you, if you feel far from Him, He's not the one that walked away. He never leaves you. He is with you always, remember that. When you are down in the dumps thinking He has left you to fend for yourself that is the enemy lying to you. God's promises are true. Satan is the father of lies. Do not listen to his lies. Read your Bible and you will learn that God never lies. He is Perfect and tells the truth, always. He is worthy of your trust when no one else is.
It's not too late to make a choice to turn your back on the world and all the lies the devil tells you and follow Christ. Stop trying to "find your own path" or trying to do things by your own strength because we are humans, we are weak and we fail. Why not let God take the lead? Be patient and trust God because He keeps His promises and He is in control. Life will be far better than what you are living now.
Take it from someone who tried for years to fill the empty places in my heart with nearly anything I could hold on to. From fitness to alcohol to marijuana, to unhealthy relationships with men, to money, to clothing, ah the list goes on. My mindset was what our culture tells us. I read the magazines about how to be "beautiful" or how to get the "hottest" guy, etc. etc. (The majority of models in magazines are so photo shopped that they don't even look like their true selves anyway so how can we EVER look like that....we can't). I wanted so badly to look like those women, I would go on crash diets, try to stick to ridiculous exercise routines, put all kinds of odd substances on my face to rid of blemishes, etc. The truth is that we can't look like those women and we shouldn't strive to do so. God made us just as we are for a purpose and when we become jealous of the physical appearance of another person...well frankly, it's a sin. It's unhealthy for us to envy someone, that's why God says it is a sin to do so. It's not healthy for us and we just end up miserable, especially in this scenario because we will never look like the women in magazines.
OK sorry for the rant, my point is that I have been that woman and I was left empty, lonely, depressed, and broken.
God rescued me and wants to do the same for you. Let it go. Whatever you're holding on to. Whatever you are trusting more than Him. Whether it's health, wealth, relationship, power, sex...whatever it is.
Let. it. go.
Give it to God and He will, in turn, give you peace, joy, love, and so much more.
I heard a pastor recently explain the way God shows us mercy and I really liked his method.
He said something like this: "We say to God, 'God, I'll give you anxiety, anger, hate, confusion, etc.'
"In return God says, "OK, I will give you, peace, joy, love, hope."
Meaning, we have nothing "good" to offer God but He's not looking for perfection, He's looking for the broken people and He wants to give them peace and joy.
Luke 5:30-32 -
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
I don't know about you but life is a whole lot more peaceful and joyful knowing that there is nothing I can or cannot do that makes God turn away from me. There is also nothing I can do that makes Him more pleased with me. I can simply give Him all the hurt and brokenness in my life and He in exchange gives me love, joy, peace, oh and also, eternal life.
God is good. God is always good.
"I will love you for you, I will give you the love, the love that you never knew."